Economic Impact Analysis2

ERG faculty and staff have proven experience and expertise conducting unbiased economic impact studies for a wide variety of industry, institutional, and non-profit clients. Recent economic impact studies include:

Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART)

ERG has conducted numerous economic impact studies of the Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) Light Rail Transit (LRT) Stations ranging from 1999-present. These impact studies range from the change in rental rates over time to the aggregated value of properties surrounding DART LRT stations. Though different in methodologies, the studies done over the past 19 years document the positive effects property values derive when located near a light rail station. Additionally, some studies highlight the substantial economic, fiscal, and developmental impacts that result from capital and operational spending by DART.

AT&T Performing Arts Center

In this study, we identify and quantify the economic and fiscal benefits that have attended construction and operations of the AT&T Performing Arts Center. We also examine the ancillary real estate investment that has occurred in close proximity to the Center as well as evidence that the arts district is helping market downtown Dallas and the entire DFW region to new and relocating businesses, residents, and conventioneers.

Dallas-Fort Worth Creative Economy

The Dallas Ft. Worth region's creative economy is an important component of the region's overall economy. It is the leading creative economy in the state of Texas and also among the largest nationwide. The Dallas-Ft. Worth creative economy offers substantial economic impacts and also outperformed the growth rate of the nation's creative economy in the post-recessionary period of 2010 to 2015. Beyond economic impacts, the region's creative economy has driven the development of cultural districts and may be a contributing factor helping to retain and attract an educated, highly skilled workforce and creating a "buzz" that plays a role in the decision-making process of firms looking to relocate to the region. View the report here.

Children's Health

The purpose of this study is to measure the significant economic impact that Children's Health has on the DFW economy. The Economic Research Group (ERG) team at the University of North Texas calculated the annual economic impact for the fiscal year 2015. The economic impact analysis is based on Children's Health's audited financial statements. As a consequence, this study captures all financial activity conducted by the hospital and reported through their audited and compliant systems. This analysis includes expenditure items, such as purchases of tangible goods and related services, payroll for all staff, capital improvements, physical plant, and other healthcare services. View the report here.