White Papers
- Leonard, T., Hughes, A.E., Pruitt, S.L. 2017. Understanding how low-socioeconomic status households cope with health shocks: An analysis of multi-sector linked data. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. 669(1): 125-145.
Working Papers
- Si X., Leonard T. Investigating the Compensation Effect of Private Nutrition Assistance Program (2018)
- Si X., Leonard T. Network Expansion and Utilization of Private Nutrition Assistance (2018)
- Pruitt S, Leonard T. Stimulating Community Engagement via a Shared Data Resource Monitoring Food Insecurity and Health (2018)
- Si X, Leonard T. (2018) Making a Difference: Research results generated with CCS's Dataset, Presented to Crossroads Community Services staff, board and volunteers, June 2018.
- National Science Foundation Conference on New Data Linkages. (2016) "Effect of Health Shocks on Resource Acquisition for Food Insecure Households: a social observatory analysis"
- Together at the Table: Hunger and Poverty Summit, Baylor University. (2015) "Community Assistance Research".